Quarry Design Software

  1. Limestone Quarry Design
  2. Quarry Design

Quarry Solution (QS) is the only mine scheduling software solution in the world that is built exclusively for quarries. QS utilises an optimised XPAC scheduling core. Posts about quarry design written by PARTHA DAS SHARMA. Mining and Blasting Weblog of Partha Das Sharma For Discussing Various Aspects of Mining. Software for Mining.

Limestone Quarry Design

Logo design software

Land and Minerals Consulting Ltd (LMCL) was formed in 2004 as geological, geotechnical and surveying consultancy. The Company adopting the trading name QuarryDesign in 2006 to promote its links with the mineral planning consultancy QuarryPlan Ltd. LMCL specialise in the “remote” acquisition of survey, geological and geotechnical data using their Optech ILRIS long-range high-accuracy LiDAR scanner and their various UAV mounted aerial systems (when remotely surveying outside of the quarrying industry they trade under the name of DroneSurv).

Quarry Design

Quarry Design Software

They not only have the expertise to acquire the data, but have the experience, software and hardware to process the data into formats required by a wide range of industry standard surveying, geological modelling and geotechnical analysis software. With that software, they are able to undertake both the analysis and subsequent designs for excavations, tips and lagoons in both engineering soil materials and rock masses. They also provide Reserve and Resource Statements to The PERC Reporting Standard, Due Diligence for mineral acquisitions and act as Expert Witness. The Company was awarded Joint Runner-up in the Engineering Initiatives category of the Mineral Planning Association’s Health and Safety Awards 2013 for their use of Terrestrial LiDAR and UAV for remote Surveying and Geological / Geotechnical mapping.

This entry was posted on 16.09.2019.